Tuesday 18 October 2011

Personalities you will encounter

I was in a manager's meeting listening to one of the over-ambitious types take credit for some work I had produced a few months ago.  He had asked me for the information, I had worked hard on it and handed it over.  He changed a few details and then handed it round under his own name.  It was now six months later and he was still taking credit.  No-one remembered that I had to work through the night to get the info.

I'd taken the decision at the time not to make a fuss knowing I had the moral upper ground.  I may have been the better person, yet he wasn't made redundant, I was.

Working means putting up with a whole host of different personality types.  Some you want to deal with.  Some you don't.  But when you're redundant, you can't afford to be picky.  One of these might just offer you the contact that gives you the next job.

Here are some of the personalities you will be dealing with and tips on how to manage them: -

  1. Mr. Ambitious.  Don't try and compete with him.  They thrive off it and you will just earn an enemy.  This is a man who will sell his granny to get ahead.  But just because he has ambition, does not mean he is smart.  Make sure he knows that he is a winner because you are behind the scenes and constantly remind him (subtly) what the future could look like with the two of you continuing to work together.  The next time there is a job in the offing, he will remember.  
  2. Mrs. Weepy.  She will always cry every time she talks to you.  She feels sorry for you.  She wants to help.  And she does mean well.  But she is sucking away your last respecting self respect.  Thank her for the concern and move on.  
  3. Mummy.  When my mother learnt I was being made redundant, she asked me to show her my CV and has phoned me every other day without fail, often just to check in.  Real mothers (irrespective of whether they gave birth to you) want the best for you and will be supportive through your ups and downs.  Things do not get better on their own - but having a mother character around will help build your strength up.
  4. Ms. Needy.  This is the character type that somehow persuades you to offer her help and you don't really know why.  If you're not careful, you will end up working hard on her support team and neglect yourself.  She may get the job, or she may end up in competition for a job you would be entitled to.  Ms. Needy does need help.  But you need to be your own personal charity.  Help yourself first.  When you are in a better position, you will then be able to better help Ms. Needy.
  5. The Ostrich.  He has been told he is being made redundant but has stuck his head in the sand and doesn't want to admit what's happening.   He truly believes that the company made a mistake and everything is going to be OK.  Nothing you say will help.  Do not let it be you.  
  6. Mr. & Mrs. Advice.  You will find a lot of these.  Everybody is suddenly an "expert".  And because you are not operating at full strength, you like listening to them.  But imagine if you were pregnant and everyone gives you advice on what to do and what not to do.  You are still the one who is pregnant, no-one is going to give birth for you.  Redundancy is just the same.  Learn to stand on your own two feet.  The Advice twins will disappear if you hit rock bottom and will take credit if you don't.  Don't rely on them.
  7. Mr. Silence.  He doesn't know how to deal with you so ignores you.  You were a person long before you were redundant so remind this person who you are.  Be factual.  Break the silence with humour if you can.  Fairly soon, he will revert to treating you as he did before the news broke.
  8. Ms Sociable.  The type who comes in late every morning, slightly hung over.  She's annoyed you for years as you've covered for her tardiness.  But its the sociable characters who have the right contacts.  Keep in touch with her.  For one thing you'll have a few really good nights out - but you might also meet the right people.  Networking is key.

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