Sunday 16 October 2011

What your employer must tell you

In today's litigious environment, the employer is an anxious as you to get things right.

You need answers and they should have no issue with giving them to you.  If not, then you have a potential claim against them and you're not only preparing for redundancy but an employment tribunal.

The information that either you or your rep should be receiving is: -
  • reasons for the proposed redundancies
  • number of employees that are proposed to be made redundant
  • different types of employees that are proposed to be made redundant
  • number and types of employees
  • how any employees to be made redundant will be selected
  • time period over which any redundancies may be carried out
  • how any redundancy payments will be calculated
  • redeployment options within the organisation

If you don't get this info, just ask for it.  In writing.  

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